TheKnightsDruid Read online

Page 5

  In his control.

  Carlotta stroked crystal ball with her other hand muttering under her breath. Some sort of scrying spell, Vance assumed. His gaze intent on the old woman, he curbed his impatience.

  How she knew Juliet was a Druid didn’t surprise him. Carlotta’s special talents laid bare any secrets her target may hold close. All she required was the name of the item or person sought and her ability would kick in.

  She was the very best at finding anything lost. The fact she thought herself free of her debt to him after this was laughable. He didn’t have any intention of releasing Carlotta. Something she would soon discover.

  “Ah, this is unexpected,” Carlotta’s voice broke through his musings. A hint of amusement wove through her words.

  “Tell me, old crone,” Vance demanded his tone laced with steel.

  “The one you seek is protected by your enemy, Arthur. Do you intend to beard the lion in his own den? You don’t seem the suicidal type to me.”

  “Have a care old woman you don’t need your limbs to work your divinations. Now where do I begin my search?”

  The pendant began to swing in wide circles, gaining momentum and height as it circled the room in several sweeps. The pendant jerked roughly before stopping abruptly pointing northwest. Carlotta squinted into her ball, muttering a few more words of power before lifting her gaze to Vance.

  “You will find your Druid at Malibu Canyon, a large compound overlooking the sea. A note of caution, it is heavily guarded. Extracting her will be tricky at best.”

  Vance twisted his lips into a cold smile. “Juliet can’t stay hidden forever once she steps foot out of the compound my men will be there to take her. I’m a patient man, Carlotta, as you well know.”

  Carlotta hastily placed the pendant and crystal ball back into her bag and rose to leave. “Then we are done, the two of us. You have the information you need.”

  Vance rose from his chair, moving once again to the long row of windows and studied the busy city street below. “We are not quite done yet, Carlotta. You see I still have need of your services, so I have decided you will be staying with us.”

  “We…what? We had a deal,” she sputtered.

  He turned and faced her, enjoyment at her expense evident in dark eyes. “Marco,” he called out. The door opened immediately and Marco stepped into the room. “Ah, Carlotta, you should know me well enough by now,” he chided, “I never release anything I find of value and you are still quite valuable to me.”

  “I hope you burn in hell,” she spat, her body tense with fury.

  “Take her to her new lodgings. Once she is settled come see me, we have much to plan for.”

  As Marco led a resistant Carlotta out of the room Vance smiled, soon he would have the Druid and with her, the next step in his plan to destroy Arthur Penner. Life was good.

  * * * *

  Juliet stared up at the elusive Arthur Penner and couldn’t help but feel like a star struck teenager. After Colin stormed out the door—giving her the most earth moving orgasm she had ever known—she wasted little time looking in the closet for something to wear. An array of colors filled her stunned vision, finding dresses from various designers and all of them her favorites. Pulling out a powder blue Christian Dior dress she relished the cool slide of silk caressing her fingers.

  She found the matching low heeled pumps arranged neatly on the floor below and rummaged through the chest of drawers for a bra and panties. She’d barely managed to don the clothes and run a brush through her hair when a knock sounded sharply at the door. She gave her appearance one last look and had to admit the dress was perfection with its low scooped neck and tucked in waist which emphasized her curves. The dress fell to just below her ankles in a soft swish of material making her feel like some modern day fairy tale princess.

  Another knock came, this time sounding a little more impatient. With one last brush stroke through her long hair she hurried to the door. Half expecting Colin on the other end, she felt the sharp stab of disappointment when she found herself looking at a pretty young woman, straight dark hair cut into a stylish bob that framed her oval face. Slate grey eyes watched her with a hint of curiosity. Juliet found herself liking the woman instinctively, giving her a hesitant smile.

  “Well, well, I can see why Colin is so besotted with you.” She laughed the sound light and pleasant. “It’s nice to finally meet you Juliet. I’m Andrea Calder, but you can call me Andy. Most people around here do. Anyway, I’m here to take you to the dining room.” She waved Juliet to follow as she turned and moved down the hallway at a quick pace.

  Juliet hurried to catch up to the talkative energetic woman, barely noticing her surroundings as she rushed through the long hallway with its myriad of doors. “I hardly think Col…I mean Mr. Hennessy is besotted with me or anyone,” she argued, remembering the look of distaste sweeping over his handsome features after he kissed her senseless. Hardly the behavior of someone who cared much less liked her.

  Andrea shook her head, giving her an impish grin. “I have been around a long time and have gotten to know the men under this roof quite well. You can mark my words, Colin cares a great deal for you and I am glad of it. He’s been alone for far too long, not healthy if you ask me.”

  Juliet’s stomach filled with butterflies at the woman’s statement, could she have read him wrong? Surely this woman was mistaken. Excitement at the prospect rose through her and she squashed it mercilessly. The man was arrogant, high handed and…and she didn’t know what else, but she knew it wasn’t complementary.

  Any further talk between them stopped as she led Juliet into a large circular atrium with arched ceilings, marble floors and in the center stood a water fountain. White marble shaped into delicate palm fronds, water poured down from the staggered leaves and into the large pool filled with Koi. Juliet spied three other hallways just like the one she emerged from. The woman led her to a large oak door standing just to the right and beckoned with one delicate hand for her to follow.

  Juliet stepped into a large room sporting several chairs; sofas, an impressive fireplace and entertainment system along with a huge flat screen TV. She paused at the door the woman held open for her taking a breath to steel her nerves before entering the dining room and directly in front of none other than Arthur Penner. A delectable smell filled the air, making her mouth water and her stomach rumbled at the sight of the table filled with steaming plates of food.

  “Welcome to my home, Ms. Boyd.”

  The deep voice held a note of a southern accent, Virginia perhaps? Pulling her gaze from the tantalizing table she smiled nervously, taking in his blond good looks and warm brown eyes. She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to find several men watching her with interest. She wondered if being gorgeous was a prerequisite for the men who worked for Arthur Penner, if so Arthur had that covered in spades.

  “Um… thanks for having me here, Mr. Penner. I promise to be out of your hair as soon as possible.”

  “Please call me Arthur and I would like you to stay until we know the danger is past.” Arthur smiled, extending his hand to indicate the men in the room. “You have already met Andrea.”

  Andrea walked over and nestled into a man with a shaved head. He was big, his face starkly handsome. “This is my husband, Neil Calder. We both work for Arthur in various capacities. Neil heads up the security details for thousands of our clients and I work the back end in intel gathering information,” she explained. The love shining in their eyes as they gazed at each other stirred in Juliet a pang of envy. What would it be like to have someone love her as deeply as Neil seemed to love his wife?

  Arthur’s words brought her out of her musings. “And this is Darius Roarke and Simon Leary,” Arthur introduced, nodding at the two men.

  Darius could have been a male model with his perfectly sculpted face, broad shoulders and lean chiseled body. Dark eyes sparkled with curiosity and a full sensuous mouth turned up in a sexy-as-hell smile. Dark gl
ossy hair was pulled back from his face and fell in a thick mass down to his waist. Simon Leary couldn’t have been more opposite as his hulking frame stood in an aggressive stance beside him. His roughhewn features seemed carved out of granite weren’t handsome, yet there was a raw edged masculinity to him. Shaggy ebony locks fell over ice blue eyes glittering with open hostility as they raked over her.

  “Well, now that the pleasantries are out of the way can we eat?” Simon growled, sitting down at the food laden table.

  Juliet caught Arthur’s frown of concern, but before she could comment the door swung open again and Colin walked into the room. Her heart pounded in her chest and her pulse speed up. Damn the man, what was it about him that attracted her so?

  “Good of you to make it.” Arthur drawled with a wry smile.

  “I’m here aren’t I?” Colin snapped, seating himself at the table in front of the table and started to fill his plate.

  Juliet ground her teeth in anger and…hurt? Damn, she didn’t want to feel anything for the irritating Irishman. Flashing Arthur her brightest smile she kept all her attention on her host. Unfortunately she couldn’t stop her body’s hyper awareness of Colin and by the look of understanding Arthur flashed her way she was doing a horrible job of keeping her emotions buried.

  Damn the man twice to the nine levels of hell.

  Squaring her shoulders she let Arthur lead her to her chair. Arthur took his seat at the head of the table with Colin, Neil and Simon on the right and Andrea, Darius with her on the left. With a twinge of irritation she noticed she ended up directly across from Colin.

  Just great.

  She would just have to ignore him as well. After all, two could play that game. Concentrating on the food before her she filled her plate with a helping of lamb in a rosemary sauce, red potatoes with garlic and butter, succulent artichoke hearts seasoned in rosemary and olive oil and fresh baked buns still warm from the oven. She ate with relish, nearly moaning in pleasure as the flavors burst in her mouth. Never had food tasted so good.

  “So, how did you get mixed up with Vance Hollister?” Arthur’s tone held a casual note as if he simply asked about the weather. Only his intense gaze told her nothing about this man was simple.

  “Vance was a business acquaintance of my father. I really don’t run in the same circles as he does, but sometimes we are at the same charity functions.”

  “Yet, you two seemed pretty close at Dragonwick Enterprises just a few days ago,” he pointed out.

  Her appetite dwindled to a mere memory as she set her fork down by her plate. She became painfully aware that everyone stopped eating, all eyes on her and wanting her answer. Irritation rose quickly to her rescue and squaring her shoulders she met Arthur’s cool gaze. She could feel Colin’s gaze boring into her, but refused to look in his direction. She couldn’t stomach seeing the suspicion she knew would be there, if she dared to look.

  “Like I have already told Mr. Hennessy, looks can be deceiving. Vance Hollister is not now nor ever been anything but a family acquaintance.”

  “Well, from where I stood it sure the hell looked pretty cozy,” Simon chimed in suspicion and accusation thick in his deep voice.

  Irritation quickly gave way to anger as she met the challenge in his diamond bright stare across the table. “Like the rags that print lies and false truths, it’s so easy to believe bullshit when fed it at regular intervals. I will only say this once more. I am not anything to Vance Hollister but a tool he wishes to use for his own gain.”

  “A tool, how so?” Arthur pounced, as she knew he would.

  Foolish move on her part she needed to keep her mouth shut.

  “Everyone is a tool to him. His only goal is his own self-interest.”

  “He hasn’t changed much then.” A woman’s voice cut through the tension.

  Arthur and indeed, all of the men at the table sprung to their feet with smiles and warm welcomes on their faces. She rose from her seat to find the men swarming over the four newcomers. Two women and two men stood within a circle. The obvious affection on display brought home how much of an outsider she truly was. Not that she wanted to belong to this small group. She preferred her isolated life, really she did.

  Juliet watched as small curvaceous raven haired woman broke from the group and headed toward her. Violet eyes sparkled with happiness, a large welcoming smile on her small fey-like features. The woman was positively stunning and somehow made her feel huge against the petite woman.

  “I’m Merci Tremaine and I know you’re Juliet Boyd. The newspapers sure don’t do you any justice, but then why would they?” She grabbed Juliet’s hand and squeezed it firmly in her own. “I am very pleased to meet you.”

  “Merci, don’t scare away the guest before we get to be introduced,” a tall, blond haired man admonished playfully as he made his way to the woman’s side.

  Merci giggled as he tucked her possessively under his arm. “This is Drake Monroe, my husband.”

  Juliet for the second time within the hour endured the sharp pang of envy watching the two of them. The love they held for each other so painfully obvious Juliet could no longer look upon them without wanting to cry. Cry? Her? She must be crazy, no one would ever want her if they knew what she was capable of, best to keep that in mind and stop wishing for the impossible. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel that small kernel of hope she couldn’t bury completely no matter how hard she tried.

  Before Juliet could find a way to escape back to her room a tall dark haired man blocked her exit, his smile disarming as he took her hand and kissed it with old world charm, leaving her speechless as she stared up into eyes a deep cerulean blue. Saying the man was handsome was an understatement and yet, no pulse flutter or heart hammering were to be found for the man who so gently held her hand.

  “Lancelot Du Lac at your service, milady,” his deep voice rumbled through the room.

  “Lance is just a bit old fashioned,” a woman with long pale hair the color of sun kissed wheat flashed Juliet a dazzling smile.

  Juliet blinked twice at the stunning woman who made her way to Lancelot’s side. A mix of Goth meets Glenda the Good Witch of Oz played through her mind. She took in the black tee shirt complete with a voodoo doll stuck with pins, plaid skirt, fishnets and combat boots.

  A low feral growl filled the room and all heads turned toward Colin, standing in the middle of the room his face a mask of rage, his gaze zeroed in on her hand in Lancelot’s. Self-conscious and more than a bit fearful she pulled her hand back out Lancelot’s grip.

  “Ah, now I see how it is between you two,” Merci broke the sudden tension in the room with an amused chuckle.

  “There is nothing between the two of us,” Juliet snapped out her denial, the words sounding weak even to her own ears.

  Bitterly she reminded herself Colin made his feelings perfectly clear when he left her naked on his bed in the middle of post orgasm bliss. He couldn’t get his clothes on and out of his room fast enough. The thought still stung, more than it should.

  “I beg to differ,” he Goth beauty chimed in with her two cents. Couldn’t people just let it be? “From the look on our dear Colin’s face there is much between the two of you.”

  “And you are?” Juliet knew she sounded waspish, but couldn’t seem to help herself as she gave the blond woman a piercing stare.

  Her perfect pink mouth formed an O of surprise and Juliet found herself hard pressed not to slap it from her perfectly flawless face. It was time for her to get the hell out of there and now or she would end up beating someone senseless. Before she could beat the hasty retreat to the sanctuary of her temporary bedroom the woman moved up to her. Surprise and wonder in those clear blue eyes.

  “I am Viviane of Avalon. Who are you?” her demand held more than a little hope.

  “I’m Juliet of Woodland Hills,” she returned, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

  “Well, Juliet of Woodland Hills, it’s a great pleasure to meet you. I had thought you lost to me.
I am glad to see the bloodline still flows strong.”

  Was the woman on drugs? Avalon, really?

  Juliet let her gaze wander over each occupant in the room an impossible notion taking root in her mind. No it was too ridiculous to even contemplate, still, the suspicion grew. Arthur, looking guarded and stern, every inch a leader of men, Lancelot du Lac and Viviane of Avalon, perhaps she was the one on drugs. Did they put something in her food?

  “Look, whoever you guys think you are that’s cool with me. I’ll just go to my room now and let you all go back to your reunion.”

  Colin moved up so close his arm brushed hers, a look of challenge glittering in his emerald eyes as they met Lancelot’s. With a slight nod of his head, Lancelot moved to stand next to Viviane. A small smile playing on his sensual lips and she wondered why she felt nothing in the presence of such masculine beauty.

  Just her luck she had the hots for a grouchy Irishman who could give a rat’s ass about her or her feelings. Way to go, Juliet. That small voice mocked her.

  “Just who do you think Juliet is to you, Viviane?” Colin demanded.

  “Why, she’s a Druid of course, by the magic radiating off of her a very powerful one at that.”

  “Druids, Avalon, Arthur. Look, this is not some fairy tale here. I don’t know why you think I’m one of these Druid people, but I assure you you’re very much mistaken,” Juliet scoffed, taking a cautious step toward the door and escape from these crazy people.

  “Oh, Juliet, but you are a Druid and all of these men before you are the reincarnation of Arthur’s fabled knights. All but for Lancelot, who has spent millennia in Avalon.”

  “Oookay, I’m a Druid, sure thing, well like I said before I’ll just be going now.”

  “Seedlings grow just by your touch, animals seek you out. You cannot abide cities, feeling smothered by all the concrete. You live surrounded by the earth, find strength within the woods you call home. Your magic is of the earth and as such you control the very ground we tread,” Viviane’s voice rang with authority, the voice of the Goddess and Juliet felt her world tilt on its axis. “I had long thought my children gone from this plane of existence. To find you here before me is nothing short of miraculous.”