TheKnightsDruid Read online

Page 4

Two days? She knew the backlash would be bad, but never thought she would lose so much time. “I need to go home, Colin, you can’t keep me here against my will.”

  She watched his shadowy form move to the drapes to open them. The light blinded her for a moment. Blinking to adjust to the sudden brightness, the room swam into focus. It was obvious to her immediately she found herself in a man’s bedroom. The colors bold in crimson and gold, the furniture dark and sturdy. Minimalist came to mind as she looked around her. No knickknacks cluttered the top of the dresser, nothing to hint to the man who slept there. Yet, she instinctively knew the room belonged to Colin.

  He stood facing the window, sunlight caressing the golden skin of his arms. A white tee shirt stretched tightly over his wide shoulders and molded to his defined torso. His hair, a fiery halo surrounding a face so beautiful her breath hitched. He looked like a fallen angel standing framed by the light from the window. So enticing she almost forgot why she was here, why she should be angry.

  “You know it’s not safe for you at your home,” Colin admonished, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Juliet narrowed her eyes, remembering why she was so pissed off. She was not a child to be talked to in such a manner. “I have places to hide that Vance would never be able to find. I am not helpless, Colin. You would do well not to forget that fact.”

  His lips twitched and for a moment she thought he would actually break out into a smile. Lucky for him he kept his face neutral, saving her the trouble of slapping the smirk off his face.

  “I can’t let you go anywhere until I have some answers.”

  Juliet threw him a mutinous look. “Well, I have no answers to give you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Colin’s voice cracked like a whip in the still room. “You are going to tell me everything you know about Vance Hollister.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  The space between them suddenly narrowed taking her by surprise. She wasn’t even aware he moved. A small gasp escaped her as she found herself looking up into hard, green eyes. He stood so close she could feel his body heat wrap around her, smell the heady scent of dark spices and forest.

  He spoke softly, but the menace in his tone carried loud and clear. “You are not a stupid woman Jules, don’t act like one.”

  The nickname he used for her made her stomach quiver with excitement. She squelched it quickly, irritation at her reaction replacing her momentary weakness.

  “You are such an asshole.”

  Colin chuckled darkly. “Aye, darlin’, that’s the truth of it.”

  “I hate you, Colin Hennessy. You’re no better than Vance,” She spat, her voice filled with venom. You’re just lying to yourself. A small voice denied her claim.

  His gaze turned cold and detached as it swept over her. She shivered involuntarily instinctively clutching the sheet tighter to her and her pulse quickened. With fear? Anticipation? She didn’t know and was not about to head down that road to find out.

  “Hate me all you want, it matters little to me, but I warn you now, do not mistake me to be anything like Vance Hollister.”

  She just hit a nerve. Score one for her side.

  Juliet hid a smile of satisfaction, could she exploit this to her advantage, guilt trip him into releasing her? It was worth a try.

  “I can’t help but note the similarities,” She tilted her head, studying him. “I’m here against my will. Had Vance’s men been successful I would be his prisoner as well.”

  “And kept in a cell, no better than a lab rat,” he ground out harshly.

  She flinched as his words hit home. Vance told her the night of the charity event he knew of her ability. He threatened to expose her as a freak if she didn’t agree to use her gift to suit his needs. Would he have done as Colin stated and lock her up against her will? Yes, he would. There was no doubt in her mind. Still, it irked her to have Colin bring up the obvious.

  Accusation threaded heavily through her tone. “What of you? Are you not doing the same thing? I may not be held in a cell, but I’m still here against my will. No matter how comfortable the prison is, it’s still a prison.”

  “True enough,” he agreed readily, “The difference is I only want information and to see to your safety. Can you say the same of Vance?”

  No, of course she couldn’t, damn the man for pointing that particular fact out to her. But she didn’t have to tell him she agreed with him. Instead she concentrated on the first part of his statement. “I have already told you I don’t know anything about Vance Hollister. I am not in his confidence, nor would I want to be.”

  “You looked very cozy with him at the party.”

  “Looks are deceiving. Believe me, I would prefer to have never even known his name let alone spend one single moment in his presence.”

  “What does he want with you, Jules?”

  The sudden question took her by surprise and she answered before thinking over her how she should reply. “He wants to use my abilities against any he perceives as a threat.”

  “And what exactly do those abilities entail? I know you can defend yourself. I witnessed that first hand with Vance’s thugs. What else can you do that makes you so appealing to a man like Vance.”

  Her jaw tightened as she clamped her teeth together. No way would she talk about the dark side of her magic. Colin Hennessy could torture her as much as he wanted, it would gain him nothing. Vance uncovering her dark ability was bad enough. No one else could know what she was capable of and she would do everything in her power to keep it that way.

  Regardless how delectable Colin seemed to be, no matter how attracted she was to him, Juliet knew he could only be one thing to her.

  Her enemy.

  * * * *

  Colin fought to remain unmoved at the vision of Juliet lying naked in his bed with only a sheet to shield her from his gaze. It molded to the delectable contours of her full breasts, the curve of her hips and those sinfully shaped, toned legs with arousing precision.

  Lucky sheets.

  Her thick hair was tousled around her in strands of light brown and gold, framing her small oval face. Large blue eyes gazed up at him, guarded and wary her full luscious mouth tightened into a thin line of displeasure.

  Damn the woman to the nine hells!

  Even in a pique she tantalized him, taunted and defied him. And he found himself…intrigued. Despite the warning bells clanging in his head he found drawn to her, curious to know what went on behind those beautiful eyes that held so much mistrust.

  He was in serious trouble and he knew it deep in the marrow of his bones. Worse, at the moment he couldn’t seem to care. Not a good sign.

  “If I am to see to your safety I need to know what you can do, Jules. It isn’t like I have not been a witness to your defensive magic,” he pointedly reminded her.

  Her chin jutted out in open defiance, that he found it adorable did little to improve his mood.

  “I’m supposed to believe you only have my best interests at heart?” she scoffed. “You can do better than that. I’m not a gullible school girl.”

  “Believe what you will. Perhaps once you talk to Arthur you will feel more at ease.”

  “I hardly doubt it. Who is this Arthur person you are so sure of?” she scoffed in a tone of superiority.

  “Arthur Penner, my boss.”

  Juliet’s eyes grew wide with shock. “Not the Arthur Penner, the same media shy guy who owns Templar Security and Investigations?”

  Colin frowned at the excitement coloring her voice. A twinge of jealousy twisted in his gut. He viciously tamped it down; reminding himself what he felt for the mouthy chit was nothing more than a good dose of lust. It was obvious he had been too long without a woman under him. Something he would rectify, and soon.

  “Aye, the one and the same.” His reply held more growl than he cared to acknowledge. “He asks for you to be available for dinner tonight and afterward he wishes to speak with you.”

  “Why didn’t you te
ll me you worked for Mr. Penner in the first place?”

  Irritation grated on his nerve endings, like a cat stroked the wrong way. “Would it have made a difference?”

  Golden eyebrows lowered into a frown. “Of course it would.”

  He wasn’t aware he moved until he stood over her, those stormy blue eyes wide with surprise. He noticed her fingers tighten on the sheet, clutching it to her breasts. His fingers ached to tear the offending cloth from her, touch, taste, explore every inch of her. He balled his hands into fists at his sides, fighting the urge.

  Her tongue darted out wetting her full lips and a strangled groan pushed its way out of his throat. Too much, his control slipped and he bent down, capturing her mouth with his. He captured the small exhalation, breathing her sweet taste into his lungs. Her lips parted for him in surrender long, dark lashes lowering to fan against her smooth pale cheeks. His hands cupped her face, his tongue darting in to stroke against hers.

  With a small whimper, her hands dropped the sheet to wrap around his neck. His fingers stroked down the column of her throat to her collarbone, his other hand stroked down to the small of her back. With growl deep in his chest he drew her against him as he deepened the kiss.

  Her breasts pushed tantalizingly against his chest, her core pressed hard to his raging erection. All thoughts went south leaving precious little for his brain to function on. His thin veneer of civility burned to ash leaving in its wake the animal living just beneath his skin. After so very long this one female felt good in his arms…right. He wanted more, he wanted, no needed to touch her all over, bury his cock deep inside her. Claim her and be claimed by her. His hands lowered to the full rounded cheeks of her ass, lifting her up closer to him urging her to wrap those luscious long legs around his waist. Colin bit back a curse as the heat of her core ground into his cock with agonizing precision almost making him climax right then and there.

  He laid her on the bed his hands eager to learn her body. He broke the kiss lifting his head to drink her in, a man starved finding a feast laid before him. Her skin smooth alabaster, breast’s firm and round, tipped with dark coral nipples. Her small waist flared slightly at the hips and her pussy, Christ! His cock throbbed painfully against the fly of his jeans. Light brown hair curled in a small strip, her moist and swollen lips pink. The scent of her arousal drove him over the edge where instinct took control and all thoughts and arguments crumpled to dust. The only urge, overwhelming in its savage intensity remained. He needed to be thrusting deep inside her or he would lose his mind.

  “I’m going to fuck your pretty little pussy, darlin’, until you come. Gods damn me, you’re beautiful,” he husked in a voice more animal than man. “Say you want this, Jules.”

  “I…I want this,” she repeated, her breathing ragged, eye’s dilating the dark pupils swallowing up the blue of her eyes. And within those glittering depths her hunger shone clear as day.

  “Say you want me to fuck your pussy, darlin’ Jules,” he coaxed with a seductive note in his voice.

  “I…can’t say that,” she gasped, a becoming flush coloring her cheeks.

  His fingers found her hot, wet core and plunged into her, stretching her as he moved in and out of her. “Say it,” he demanded, using his thumb to circle her sensitive clit.

  She moaned and writhed beneath his ministrations, her hips bucking wildly against his hand. “Please, Colin, I need…”

  “Say it, Jules, and you will have anything you want. You just have to say it,” he coaxed.

  “Gods! Yes! Fuck me!” She groaned, her head whipping from side to side on the pillow, nearly lost to the same need which consumed him.

  He pulled his fingers out of her heat and stood. With quick impatient movements he kicked off his boots, jeans and tee shirt soon followed flung into a pile in the middle of the floor. Within moments he was covering her sweet, smooth flesh with his own, his cock sinking into her tight warm channel to the hilt.

  Instinctively she tightened around him making him groan in exquisite agony, his balls drawing up tight. “Gods that’s good, you feel good, Jules, just go slow I don’t want to come too quickly.”

  “No, I want it hard, now,” Juliet demanded in a low rasp so sexy his skin shivered in reaction.

  She wiggled her hips in demand and he found himself powerless against her demand. He moved his hips, in and out, thrusting and retreating. Jules met him at every turn, her hands clutched his ass, her legs wrapping tight around his waist and back arching with each downward thrust. Meeting him with a hunger that matched his own her nails scored him, drawing blood and he relished the sting, his cock growing even larger as he pistoned faster within her.

  Her whimpers turned into a scream of pleasure as her body tightened, her pussy milking him with such stunning force he thrust once, twice and then joined her. His climax charging through his body with such ferocity he had never before experienced nor imagined possible.

  He rested his forehead against hers, waiting for his pulse to slow and breathing to even out. In that instant he was chillingly aware what they just shared was much more than scratching an itch. Far more than he felt comfortable looking at too closely.

  The vision of flashing blue eyes, hair the color of a moonless night rose unbidden in his mind’s eye. Ciara. He pushed away from Juliet as if scalded. Self-loathing quickly replaced any euphoric emotions he had been enjoying. Bitterly he wondered how he could forget - even for a moment - the passion and love which was his once long ago. All the countless centuries he spent looking for her to no avail. To have this female stir those same feelings in him, sentiments reserved only for his true soul mate was unacceptable. He looked down where Juliet lay sprawled amongst his white sheets, the bewilderment in her eyes quickly turned to anger. He turned his back on the erotic sight of her pale naked body and dressed. Not trusting himself to look her way, he headed for the door.

  His voice was husky and he cursed the effect she had on him. “Arthur expects you in the dining room at six, you will find clothes in the closet to wear. Someone will be by to escort you later.”

  He didn’t wait for a reply just walked out of the room. Only as the door firmly shut behind him did he acknowledge how deep in shit he truly was.

  Chapter Six

  Vance stared down at the bustling street. Watching humanity scurry about like ants from his ten story vantage point, a sneer marred his handsome face. He had little use for people. They were pawns to be used then discarded. For the most part he found them lacking in intellect or any unique spark of creativity. True, he did enjoy the fairer sex succumbing to his baser instincts when needed. Unfortunately very few could match his stamina or the rough sexual release he required.

  Turning away from the window, he studied the plush board room done in shades of burgundy and sable. Cushioned chairs sat empty along a long oblong oak table. This was the very heart of his empire where he made decisions that affected lives like the ones below in the shadow of his high rise. Dragonwick Enterprise had its finger into many diverse businesses from oil to the design and implementation of weapons for any government who could pay his price.

  He’d become quite a successful man, known for his ruthless nature in the board room, yet for all the accolades he had accrued through the last seven years, the one thing he coveted above all others was the demise of Temple Security and Investigations and with it the owner Arthur Penner known to Vance as Arthur Pendragon.

  His father, his nemesis.

  The very name of his enemy brought a burning hatred boiling through his veins. This time he would take greater care to destroy the man. He would take away everything Arthur valued one piece at a time until at last, he’d take his life. Oh the thought of it actually made him…happy.

  The sound of the door opening brought him out of his reverie, his attention narrowing on Marco. Vance’s anger obliterated his good mood, his gaze swept over his head of security. Marco was big, nearly as tall as Vance with long brown hair tied back from rugged, sharp angels of his f
ace. Dark brown eyes stared back at him, a hint of frustration clear to read.

  Vance struggled to rein in his rage. He had dispatched the two imbeciles he sent to retrieve the woman and had the stupidity of returning empty handed. Juliet Boyd was a valuable prize, one he needed to further his objectives. He knew the secret she so desperately tried to keep hidden, knew she could control all but the strongest minds. It was a power he coveted and he would not be denied.

  “And have you found Ms. Boyd?” Vance kept his voice deceptively soft, pleasant.

  “Sorry, Mr. Hollister, there is no trace of her anywhere.”

  The door opened again and a small stooped woman shuffled in. Her pink, paisley print dress hung on her thin form, a bag nearly as big as her hung from one bony shoulder. One of Marco’s men escorted her in, his hand light on her arm. Although the woman looked frail and old the power emanating from her was quite the opposite.

  Vance moved to greet her taking her wrinkled hand in his. He led her to one of the chairs lining the table. “Carlotta, thank you for coming.”

  Carlotta’s voice was surprisingly strong as her rheumy clouded eyes bored into his. “As if I had any choice in the matter,” she grumbled. “After this I owe you nothing,” She pointed a bony finger accusingly toward Vance, “And I mean nothing more. The balance between us will once again be restored.”

  Vance’s sneered down at her, his demeanor one of complete superiority. “That suits me perfectly, old crone. Now, find out where my missing Druid is.”

  “You would taunt the Devil’s own. The Druids are protected by the Goddess Viviane what few there are left she guards ferociously,” Carlotta groused while pulling out an amethyst pendent and her ball of pure flawless crystal from the bag. She placed them with reverence upon the table before her.

  “Leave us, but don’t go far,” Vance instructed both men.

  Alone with Carlotta, Vance made himself comfortable in a chair across from her. Watching as she busily made her preparations. Holding the pendant from its heavy gold chain it swung slowly back and forth before settling and hanging still. He had little doubt as to her ability to find Juliet and once her location became known he would have her right where he wanted her.